Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 3 Roller Coaster

So I'm probably not going to always number my days, but the other day I had a awesome day; but stressful. It seemed I was going all over the place. I was hoping to recover my loses from day 2, and I started off quite well.

Two hours into the session, I didn't really seem to get anywhere except up maybe 2 or 3 dollars. I was multi-tabling, so I would of thought that after 2 hours I would have been more than that, but I seemed to be at a stand still.

Then I hit it; with Ax suited, I make a small pre-flop raise, two callers and I flop a flush draw. Check, check, I put in a mid-size bet, and get one caller. I make my flush on the turn. I make another bet, half the pot this time to make it look like I was nervous that he called my c-bet. He shoves instantly for his entire stack. I assume he has a lower flush, or possibly 2 pair and for some reason didn't care that a flush draw was just completed.

I insta-call, and he turns over a set. I was excited to rake in the pot and make up for all those lost chips the other day... but the river pairs the board and I lose to a full boat. I was so frustrated. I re-buy hoping to win my money back... but can't seem to get anywhere. It was probably mostly tilt, but it just seemed like I missed every flop, every bluff seemed to not be believed.

I lost another $15, and now instead of being up $35 on my grand, I was down more than $10.

I re-bought. I was going to fight for my money back. But then I had another idea. I was wired, steaming and frustrated, and wanted to play to win my money back. I needed a break.

So I got up, I sat in my apartment for a bit, I relaxed and listened to some music. I took my dog on a walk and went to get a coffee at Tim Horton's to just not worry about it. I was only down $10. I just needed to let it go, and not worry about my game. I actually came back, but decided to wait even more, and I sat down to watch a movie.

This post is actually being posted a couple days, so I can't really think of any remarkable hands (ironic that I can remember the one I lost so brutally like I just played the hand...). But when I eventually returned, I can't really explain it. I thought through EVERY hand, focused on watching players so intensely, and within 2 hours, I recovered my $50ish that I had lost.

I thought about quitting. I was back up, I didn't really need any more. I could of just let it go and fight another day.

In the end I stayed, which for me for some reason is usually a bad thing. The last thing I wanted was for me to loosen up because I was "up" now. I honed in even more, turning off any distractions around me. I left with an additional $50!

I really don't have much to say as this post is a few days later from me being away, but I was ecstatic. I think the best thing I could of done for myself, is my few hour break.

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