Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Small Stackers

So I've developed a pretty good method, which I'm well aware is not a new strategy. I didn't come up with it myself, but I've done a pretty good job implementing it.

As always, at every table, you have your "short stackers." People who will buy in for the least possible amount of money. Sometimes it isn't always the lowest possible, but it's often pretty low.

On the tables I play on, $0.10/$0.25, the standard (and the max) is $25. However often we'll have 2 or 3 (sometimes 4) players who will buy-in for $10. I like playing and picking on these people. They tend to play really conservative, always hoping to flop the nutz.

I understand where they're coming from with their strategy, but it just makes it way to easy. Maybe I tend to be over aggressive, but I just feel like you can't put enough pressure on if you have less than 50% of everyone else at the table.

If I go all in against you, I'll still have more than half my stack, even if I lose.

The other reason I like them, as I said before, is they tend to play ultra-conservative. They make small raises, or limp, hoping to flop big. This makes them wide open to bluffs since they don't have as much protection and cushion against loses. Some of my biggest bluffs are against these players.

All in all, while I'm sure they are thinking about protecting their money by buying in for such a small amount, in reality they are opening themselves up to pressure that they have made it impossible to for them to respond too. I think it would just be smarter to play conservatively, but buy-in for the full $25.00.

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