
          If any of you have played against me on-line before, you know me as 'thenutz028'. I'm not new to poker, but I'm not a pro. Recently, yes through mostly a miraculous streak, I made $1000 from a $200 buy-in at a poker game. Let's be clear, I'm not going pro. But, I am going to take this $1000, put it in my on-line poker account, and I'm going to try and do something with it. That is all.
          This blog is the story of what happens with that $1000. One of my major downfalls is that I do not analyse my play enough. During this blog I will take everyday that I play, and analyse. I will look at the tournaments that I cashed, and try to figure out what it was that helped. What were the key hands? How could I have even improved more? Were there any hands that I made a mistake in? How did I recover?
           I will also take the games that I lost and ask the question: What went wrong? What were key hands that contributed to my losing? How did I handle losing and did it negatively effect my play?
         In a sense, this blog will be my way of analysing my play. I'm not a pro. I'm better than I once was. For those who see me on PTR, know that two years ago I was down $2400, but can now see that although I stopped playing for a really long time, I'm not only down $500. My play has improved, but I am in no way a pro.  I will probably lose at first. Hopefully, over time, in a year or so, I can look back and see improvement. I'm not going to guarantee it though.
        On all my posts there will be the option for commenting. I would love to receive positive feed back as well as constructive criticism. If you want to call me a fish, ok, but have something constructive to tell me how to improve. If you don't, you are wasting your time, because I won't waste the time it takes to click "approve" on the comment.
       Along with this blog I will also include any cool articles I read, or any videos I enjoy watching. I will also review any poker books I read and let you know my thoughts. Along with this, I will talk about any new tools I begin to use. PokerVT, Pokertracker, etc. Right now, the only thing I really use is Poker Table Ratings. Yes I should use more, but I don't want to pay $30/month for pokerVT when I don't know how much I will make yet.
       So this is what I'm doing. This blog will end in two ways:
                       1) I lose everything. It's very possible. Once the thousand is gone, I will cry, and there will be no more posts. I won't quit poker, but it will be a sad day.
                       2) I turn my one thousand into enough that I personally feel comfortable (maybe not proper BR management, but I'm ok with that for this one) to buy an entry into a 10k event (although hopefully I would win a satellite into one).

       While my game strategy will most likely depend on the feel of the game I will be playing, I will be using a specific Bank Roll management strategy. This is outlined in the strategy page.

       Enjoy the blog! and keep comments respectful :).

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