Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blow Up

So I didn't do a good job at not playing for a couple days. I played this morning and continued my drastic down swing. I'm trying to figure out if it was bad play, or just a really cold deck.

I did have a bit of a blow-up. I do know that. Which I am going to try to real in. But I know that not all of it can be attributed to bad play. Here are the major hands I can remember from my 3 hour session, on four tables this morning.

1) QQ versus KK. So I was doing ok, not losing too much yet. I think the most I was down on any table was $3. I'm in the sb with QQ, and I get raised. I 3-bet it to see if I can chase away any A rag, or KQ to avoid them hitting their over card. The original raiser smooth calls. I hit a Q on the flop, and begin thinking about how to get money from him. I make a small raise, and he instantly shoves for the rest of his $25 into a $4 pot. there are no straight draws, no flush draws. At best he could have two pair (or Aces), maybe a lower set. I had to call. He showed his KK... turn is a blank, but the river is another K.

I'm  not devastated at this point, but really frustrated. I get up and go get a coffee, and I sit down to try an win it back.

I take in a few small pots, but the overall results are mostly based on these hands.

1) AK versus A5. I was already pretty short-stacked. He three-bet me, but I decided I would much rather take it down now, and I four-bet shoved. He called and hit his 5.

2) AKs versus A9o: This one was a bit of a blow-up. I was a little steamy about the AK a few hands ago, and got 3-bet again, so I shoved. Again somehow the person called, this time I hit AK... but they pulled off a flush with their 9.

3) I have 67c. My opponent min-raises, and I call from the SB. Flop is 6Q7. So long as they don't have a set, I'm golden. My opponent bets, and I make a 2.5 re-raise. He hesitantly calls, and I put him on a Q. he only has $15 left, and there is $10 in the pot, and I am positive I am ahead. he checks on the turn, which is a blank deuce, and so I bet $7. If he has AQ, he may shove, and if he has a straight draw, he can't chase.

He shoves, I call. He has KQo. No straight draw, not flush draw, all I need to dodge is a K or another Q was the thought going through my head. But just to get a good laugh... the poker gods throw out another deuce. Counterfieting my two pair, he rakes in the $40 pot.

I'm steaming. Just losing it. I was so annoyed, and this is where I have my mini blow-up. I'm with those 3 hands (plus a few that I'm not remembering) I'm down $80. I throw in a few all-ins that were probably unwarrented, I run into AA versus my KK (and I lose), and then I check to the river with 33, to catch my set, just to find out that my opponent was checking a bigger set to me hoping I would catch.

I lose one more AK verses A rag, and decided... I can't do it. Something is just plain wrong with my game today. Pokerstars has my number, and I need to relax. I'm down almost $150, which isn't a disaster. I can make that back easily; but not today. Right now I'm sitting at $866.83 from my $1000.

I'm forcing myself to take a break. I locked away my laptop with pstars on it, and can't access it on my desktop. I need to regroup, and see if I can get back some of my loses next week. I might take some time to see if I can follow what's going on with the Fallsview poker classic coming up next week.

I'll let you know any good poker news I hear or catch up on while I take my break, but for now, I'm down. Next week I'll try to recover.

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