Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Ok, so I'm still up, but I've had two really really bad sessions. I'm going to spend some time taking a break. Relaxing a bit, and coming back to poker in a couple days. right now I'm sitting at $1032.68. I was up to $1120ish, but as a result of my two really bad sessions am down.

It's going to be REALLY hard to not play for the next three days. Really hard. But I think it would be good to step back as I have been playing very consistently, and a lot over the past week.

I will hopefully be able to take some time, analyse, and look at my play for holes. I know I chase way too much, but hopefully I can look and see 'how much am I chasing too much?' or 'is there times when I'm losing big pots by chasing, but getting the right odds to call?'

I want to look at these questions and see if I can figure some of these out. I also want to be able to discuss the best kind of table that I play on. Whether I want a loose table, with really high average pots, or tighter tables with low average pots. I was playing at a really high average pot table, the other players were betting REALLY big, and always taking stabs, etc. Perhaps the answer is, when I'm on these tables, be more patient. If I know I'm over aggressive sometimes, these might be good spots to be more patient for big hands, because I know very well that I will probably get paid off.

I might try to read Dave Sklansky's Theory of Poker on this little three day break. I will hopefully be able to learn something, and I will let you all know. Anyways, that's all for now. See you guys later.

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