Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 2 Crash

     So day 2 was last night. It was a disaster. Needless to say I'm going to take a little break today. It was intense though. It was another 7 hour session. I got Aces cracked twice, 3 times I flopped (flopped!!!) the nut flush against top pair or a set just to have them make a runner-runner boat. And once I got a set of threes in against pocket tens, just to get a ten on the river.
     It was just a bad night of poker. At one point, I lost ALL my winnings from day one, plus and extra $20.00.   I was going to quit then, which I probably still should of, but I kept playing and luckily made it back into the green by about $35. So I was still down by $30, but I wasn't down over all, which made my night a bit better.
     When I finally quit, it was because I was thinking about one of the very first poker books I ever read. Hold'em Wisdom For All Players by Daniel Negreanu. He talked about how he would read of people having these great sessions; they would play 6 hours, win $50, play 7 hours, win another $50. Then, they would have this 14 hour session where they lose $400. The problem is knowing when to quit. This is what I thought of when I ended up calling it a night. There was always another day.

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